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Opening Your Mind To Energy Healing

Energy healing (like reiki and shiatsu) is something that many people could benefit from, yet so many dismiss it and think that it is nonsense. They believe that they are better off seeking traditional care. While traditional medical attention obviously has its place, and should be the primary source of treatment for any ill health,…

Energy healing (like reiki and shiatsu) is something that many people could benefit from, yet so many dismiss it and think that it is nonsense.

They believe that they are better off seeking traditional care. While traditional medical attention obviously has its place, and should be the primary source of treatment for any ill health, there is certainly a place for natural holistic care. Many people find real relief using natural treatments, often more so that they ever find in traditional medicine.

Traditional western medicine is so often about treating the individual symptoms and not the root cause, or the whole body. So, if you are suffering from an ailment and you find that traditional methods of care are not quite cutting it, why not try something a bit different? A more whole body approach. Sometimes allowing yourself to open up and try something new is just what you need to change your life.

Are you new to energy healing and wondering exactly what it is all about?

It is actually quite simple. Seeking this sort of treatment can be very effective and an obvious choice when you learn what it is all about. Simply put, this type of treatment is based on the fact that there is energy running through the body. Many people are better able to picture this when they compare the human body to an electrical circuit. The bodies systems all run on energy – nerve fibres transmitting messages, blood flowing through our circulatory system, the products of digestion moving to where it is needed to support growth, repair and movement, and the waste products transported to be disposed of. If there is a blockage or crossed wire within any of these systems, a whole host of problems can occur.

Energy healing works well because it applies a whole body approach.

Often promoting deep relaxation and mindfulness, allows the body’s natural healing mechanisms to kick in and become stronger, more robust. And as an adjunct to traditional western medicine, can help these work better too. The result is achieving health and happiness through personalised treatment. What is wonderful about this type of treatment is that most people can learn it quite easily and apply it to their lives in very little time, meaning a more balanced life in the short term as well as long term. Within all of my treatments I give advice on self-care techniques that can be taken away and used between treatment. This may include, passing a reiki empowerment so you can continue self-healing practices at home.

(Please note that energy healing should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment to becoming and remaining healthy.)